
About Juliana

Thank you for your interest in my services. I’m a full-time freelance copywriter and brand strategist with an Arthurian literature obsession and a fledgling bird-watching preoccupation.

Before going freelance, I held a sequence of editorial and managerial positions in technology marketing and journalism firms. But writing is where I find the greatest joy, and I wanted to explore working for myself.

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I’m a pragmatic Capricorn (which, I know, is redundant), so it took a few clients, two existential crises, and one case of imposter syndrome to launch a freelance business.

Today, I use my 12 years’ experience writing for the technology world to serve:

  • Marketing agencies

  • PR agencies

  • Businesses large and small

  • Individual thought leaders

I live in Washington State with my partner, our two cats, and a few plants we’ve miraculously managed to keep alive. In my non-work life, I love to hand-embroider and bird-watch along the Canadian border.